How to build a business

This weekend, I went looking for a location. I have checked some things off my list on the "setting up a business" Check list. Web address, website,, email facebook page. Ideas for Marketing, ideas for income. Always keeping my eyes and ears open.

I listen to a few different podcasts to help me with ideas. They themselves are marketing avenues as well as some of the radio stations and programs I listen to. Sponsoring podcasts and giving Shout outs on nation wide shows may not seem like much but it's philanthropic on one end, and just plain free on the other. So is Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. Don't ever under estimate the advantage of free media. Paid media is a different post.

As for this weekend. I have been looking for a spot for P and L for a couple of weeks now. I wanted a place that was inexpensive, clean, not too busy, and with little competition for shopping. I don't need a whole bunch of drive by traffic, but I do need ease of access to the building. A good sized parking lot with multiple entrances, well lit, and taken care of. The spot I found meets most of those criteria, and is also close to a wide range of schools, and senior centers. I did notice many of these were closed on Saturday and had no weekend hours. I will need to find out why.

One of the most useful things I have done while looking for a spot is research. Looking online at government websites to see what the average cost per sq foot is for retail space, Asking current tenants of prospective properties about their experiences. Many people are more than willing to tell you their story. One gentleman taught me quite alot in the 1/2 hour I stood talking to him about the whole process. The point of it was Everything is negotiable, except what isn't. But what isn't is governed by location. (state, county, city) He also recommended the broker who worked for him. Upon visiting her website I found the place I'm concentrating on now.  Serendipity!

Between all of this my fashion designers sample continues to get set up, (48 epi on sewing thread, 8" wide) I get ready for my Monday night class next week and Tuesday night will be the first meeting of the knit crochet whatever group I started at my complex. Keep moving forward. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Until next time.


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